
執行項目 Project:風格規劃、視覺設計、包裝設計、3D模擬
合作客戶 Client:聯華食品工業股份有限公司
製作統籌 Creative Agency:斯邁創意




「Viva! 萬歲牌!」,義大利文是萬歲的意思,也有健康概念之含意。 萬歲牌堅果產品皆是聯華食品採購團隊親臨產地精心挑選,一直以來堅持第一的品質,多年來深受消費者喜愛並成為眾所皆知的堅果第一品牌。
萬歲牌持續致力於開發各式各樣的堅果產品,此次推出了米果綜合果鹽味與辣味,極高營養價值的綜合堅果與脆脆米果,是大人小孩都合適的健康零嘴,更是日常聚會時的絕佳點心。 吃堅果首選萬歲牌,親選品質安心保證,隨時隨地盡情享受健康堅果好滋味!此款包裝以日式居酒屋為設計概念,日式布簾為主要元素,搭配其毛筆字體主標,使整體包裝就像一間居酒屋,讓消費者彷彿身在日本街道並感受其在地文化。可愛的日系夏季慶典插畫更為包裝增添趣味。

"Viva! 萬歲牌!” ”Viva” in Italian language means hurray and also means a celebration for ten thousand years of age that including a meaning of the concept for health. Viva brand nut products are carefully selected by Lian Hwa Foods procurement team by verifying the quality from the place of origin. Lian Hwa Foods has always adhered to the best quality for its products. As a result, its products have been loved by consumers for many years and have become well known as the best brand of nuts.
"Viva! 萬歲牌!” brand team has persistently devoted for the development of having variety of nut products. Now, we are launching the assorted rice cracker in salted and spicy flavor. This is an assorted snack containing high nutritious mixed nuts and crunchy rice cracker. It is a healthy snack suitable for both adults and children. It is an excellent snack for everyday friends and family gathering. "Viva! 萬歲牌!” is your first choice for nuts. With its guaranteed selection process quality, you can enjoy the delightful healthy nuts all the time. The design of this package is based on the concept of a Japanese-style Izakaya (Japanese pub), with Japanese drapes as the main element, and with calligraphic writing for the title, so that the whole package is like a Japanese-style Izakaya (Japanese pub). This will make consumers feel as if they are on the streets in Japan and embracing Japanese local culture. Lovely Japanese summer festival illustration adds a spice to the packaging.


此款包裝設計走簡約的風格,使用最少的元素構成最美的視覺,俐落有型,象徵此產品的天然無負擔, 色彩搭配上方使用高貴的金色提升包裝質感,下方使用深綠色象徵食材的天然,讓所有消費者能夠安心地好好品嘗萬歲牌天然果物。