
執行項目 Project:風格規劃、視覺設計、包裝設計、3D模擬
合作客戶 Client:聯華食品工業股份有限公司
製作統籌 Creative Agency:斯邁創意
2018年 國際藝術設計大賽-包裝(義大利休閒零食系列)
2018年 行銷傳播傑出貢獻獎-包裝(台灣啤酒下酒菜系列)


1951年從迪化街出發至今,聯華食品走過一甲子,以不懈地打拼與奮鬥,在台灣食品界具一席之地。聯華食品秉持著不斷創新與改變的精神,此次推出檸檬玫瑰鹽,帶出西方浪漫的調味風格,結合零食品類的可樂果,撞擊出東方與西方的口味特色,呈現出前所未有的美味新體驗。 運用插畫手法打造此款包裝設計,以玫瑰色塊與線條表現,錯落在包裝各處,精心設計的口味小標,將日式小清新的氛圍展露無遺,除了將受到年輕女性消費群外,在包裝上更增添些微活潑、可愛的個性,使消費者在食用時,也能感受愉稅氣氛。

Established in 1951 at Dihua Street, Lian Hwa Foods Corporation existed in Taiwan for more than 60 years. With persistent, hard working and dedication spirit, the Company found a niche in Taiwan's food industry. The Company keeps following the spirit of innovation and change to launch the Lemon & Rose Salt flavor this time. Combining the Western romantic seasoning with pea crackers, it turned into a unique mixed flavor of Western and Eastern culture. It will definitely give you a brand-new taste experience.
The illustration style is used as the main design of package. Rose color and stripes scattered in every corner of package. Well-elaborated flavor shows perfectly the fresh Japanese style, which attracts young female customers. The package with colorful, cute and energetic personality makes buyers feel happy and delighted when consuming the product.


正港台灣味!聯華食品與台灣菸酒公司,兩家分別為台灣食品與酒類的指標性的企業,2018年聯名推出為迎接世足賽的可樂果限定版,最搭啤酒的下酒菜口味一次蒐齊:鹹酥雞、炒海瓜子、辣滷味,史上最對味、停不了手的啤酒好朋友鹹點不容錯過。 此款包裝設計將台灣人都熟悉的金牌台啤酒標設計於整體包裝上,使包裝的台味與親切感大大提升,放射伏的背景感受得到可樂果的美味視覺衝擊,更能使消費者在享用台啤時一定要搭配可樂果才夠味的聯想,足球的元素使可樂果於世足賽時更能引起消費者的注意。

Genuine Taiwanese flavor! Lian Hwa Foods Corporation and Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation are iconic companies for Taiwanese foods (the former) and the alcohol (the latter). In 2018, two companies cooperated in launching the pea crackers' limited edition to welcome the arrival of FIFA World Cup; the best side dish flavors for beer are launched at once: fried salty chicken, stir-fried clams with basil and spicy braised snacks. These are the best flavors ever in the history of snacks, ones that you cannot miss when drinking beer. The design of Taiwan Beer Gold Medal that Taiwanese people are familiar with is used on the package in order to make people have intense cordial feelings and perceive the unique Taiwanese style. The package with a radial design background gives a visual impact of delicious pea crackers and definitely let clients to associate crackers with Taiwan beer when they enjoy their spare time. Moreover, the concept of soccer will, without any doubt, make pea crackers attract consumers' attention during FIFA World Cup.


要怎麼用平價品嘗奢華感?聯華食品推出義大利休閒風味系列,讓消費者在休閒時刻也像身處高級餐廳裡,品嘗濃郁的異國風味,享受味蕾的不凡之旅! 我們透過包裝設計來增強零食及料理風味的聯想,透過象徵性的義大利及懷舊的街景,並搭配金色作為點綴,再度呈現浪漫的義式風情。從令人垂涎的餐盤中端出台灣民眾再熟悉不過的平民零嘴,仿佛吃的就是當地餐廳的義大利料理。

How do you taste a luxury food with an affordable snack? Lian Hwa Foods Corporation launched Italian Style Pea Crackers Series with the flavor that consumers could feel like dining in an expensive restaurant with fascinating taste in their mouth by just taking a bite of these snacks. Easy going at the leisure time, what a joy! Our packaging design aims to enhance the connection between the snacks and delicious cuisine. Through the image of Italy and a cherished memory of the streets, using gold color as highlights, once again shows a romantic Italian style. From a coveted plate, the famous snacks of Taiwan are served as if they were from the cuisine of an Italian domestic restaurant.


此款包裝設計使用原版蒜味四射光芒元素為底,復古的設計元素使整體視覺有復古感卻又不失設計感,JUMBO的標語用漫畫破格的方式呈現使包裝更有 張力,衝擊消費者的視覺強烈表達JUMBO的大顆與酥爽。






最美味的韓式炸雞,讓你不用搭飛機,就能體驗韓國在地美食文化。陪過大大小小走過許多回憶的聯華食品,也是最有創意的發明家,不斷的研發與創新,此次推出新品JUMBO韓式炸雞口味,使用正宗韓國進口醬料製成,濃郁的醬香包裏著酥脆大顆的可樂果,風味十足,讓人越吃越刷嘴。 以韓式風格為設計的包裝,辣味的紅底加上微淡的光芒,不僅襯出韓式炸雞的可口,更帶出其視覺上的層次,當消費者看到此包裝時就有最直接的美味聯想,而可愛的小雞插圖更為包裝添增趣味性,不管是大人或小孩,看了都想立即品嚐。

Using Korean style for the packaging design, the spicy red at the bottom with shimming light, not only sets off the delicious Korean fried chicken, but also brings out its visual level. When consumers see this package, their mind will have the instant association with this enticing food. And lovely little chicken illustrations is adding more entertaining to the package. So that no matter adults or children, they will all want to taste it immediately when they see the package.

